Change Log


Bug Fixes

  • Added more things that can be null.



  • Nullable turned on.
  • Moved Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces to 8.0.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Nullable being turned on could cause a lot of code changes.


Bug Fixes

  • Dispose of IEnumerator in CsvWriter.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with writing where an IEnumerable was getting projected twice.


Bug Fixes

  • Fully implemented IDictionary<string, object> on FastDynamicObject.



  • Reading and writing performance optimizations when using multiple records.
  • Reading and writing performance optimizations when using dynamic.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed RecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(T record) to RecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(Type type).
  • Changed DynamicRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(T record) to DynamicRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(Type type).
  • Changed ExpandoObjectRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(T record) to ExpandoObjectRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(Type type).
  • Changed ObjectRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(T record) to ObjectRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(Type type).
  • Changed PrimitiveRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(T record) to PrimitiveRecordWriter.CreateWriteDelegate<T>(Type type).
  • Changed RecordWriterFactory.MakeRecordWriter<T>(T record) to RecordWriterFactory.MakeRecordWriter<T>(RecordTypeInfo typeInfo).
  • Removed RecordManager.Create methods. Use Func<T> RecordManager.GetReadDelegate<T>(Type recordType) instead.
  • Removed RecordManager.Write methods. Use Action<T> RecordManager.GetWriteDelegate<T>(RecordTypeInfo typeInfo) instead.
  • Removed RecordCreator.Create methods. Use Func<T> RecordCreator.GetCreateRecordDelegate<T>(Type recordType) instead.
  • Removed RecordWriter.Create methods. Use Action<T> RecordWriter.GetWriteDelegate<T>(RecordTypeInfo typeInfo) instead.
  • Changed RecordWriterFactory.MakeRecordWriter<T>(T record) to RecordWriterFactory.MakeRecordWriter(RecordTypeInfo typeInfo).


Bug Fixes

  • Changed GuidConverter to throw TypeConverterException instead of FormatException to be consistent with other converters.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with TypeConverter<T> where T is Nullable did not work.


Bug Fixes

  • Removed dependency on System.Linq.Async.


Bug Fixes

  • Added InformationalVersion to assembly info.



  • Created generic TypeConverter class to allow for easier creation of type converters.

Breaking Changes

  • TypeConverter was renamed to NotSupportedTypeConverter.
  • TypeConverter is now a generic type converter base class.



  • Added static CsvConfiguration.WithAttributes method to create a new configuration with attributes applied.
  • Boolean attributes have empty overload that default to true.
  • ShouldQuote optimizations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with quotes at end of line getting ignore when LineBreakInQuotedFieldIsBadData is enabled.
  • Fixed issue where calling Convert on empty Map() would throw an exception.
  • Fixed issue where writing with HasHeaderRecord set to false was writing a header record.
  • Fixed issue where exception This Operation is only valid on generic types was being thrown.
  • Fixed issue where CsvDataReader couldn't be used if lines were read manually ahead of time.
  • Fixed issue where CsvDataReader wasn't working when HasHeaderRecord was false.
  • Fixed issue where CsvReader.ColumnCount did not match CsvParser.Count.
  • Fixed issue where GetDelimiter was not detecting the correct delimiter when there are blank lines.
  • Fixed issue where header validation was outputing error message for each field when it only needed to once.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with .NET 7/8 not having support for DateOnly and TimeOnly.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when writing with the escape char not being escaped if it was different than the quote char.
  • Fixed issue with CsvWriter not passing leavOpen parameter to other constructor call.
  • Fixed issue with TypeConverter being assigned to a member that has a Convert expression assigned to it.



  • Added Field and RawRecord to BadDataException.
  • Pass IWriterConfiguration into CsvWriter constructor instead of CsvConfiguration.
  • Allow inherited header prefixes.
  • Allow mapping to dynamic properties.
  • Added MemberName to the type converter exception message.
  • Added MaxFieldSize configuration. If max size is set and the size is reached, MaxFieldSizeException is thrown.
  • Added class level attribute capability.
    New Attributes:
    • BufferSizeAttribute
    • CacheFieldsAttribute
    • CommentAttribute
    • CountBytesAttribute
    • DelimiterAttribute
    • DetectColumnCountChangesAttribute
    • DetectDelimiterAttribute
    • DetectDelimiterValueAttribute
    • EncodingAttribute
    • EscapeAttribute
    • ExceptionMessagesContainRawDataAttribute
    • HasHeaderRecordAttribute
    • IgnoreBlankLinesAttribute
    • IgnoreReferencesAttribute
    • IncludePrivateMembersAttribute
    • InjectionCharactersAttribute
    • InjectionEscapeCharacterAttribute
    • InjectionOptionsAttribute
    • LineBreakInQuotedFieldIsBadDataAttribute
    • MaxFieldSizeAttribute
    • ModeAttribute
    • NewLineAttribute
    • ProcessFieldAttribute
    • QuoteAttribute
    • TrimOptionsAttribute
    • UseNewObjectForNullReferenceMembersAttribute
    • WhiteSpaceCharsAttribute
  • Added params object[] constructorArgs to TypeConverterAttribute.
  • Added validation message expression to Validate mapping.
  • Added IReaderRow to ValidateArgs.
  • Relax Default and Constant type constraints to IsAssignableFrom.

Bug Fixes

  • Added null check in WriteRecords.
  • Fixed interpolation in exception message.
  • Fixed constructor mapping issue where parameter has a type converter but would still try and use constructor mapping.

Breaking Changes

  • Added string field and string rawRecord to BadDataException constructor.
  • Added double MaxFieldSize { get; } to IParserConfiguration.
  • Added bool LeaveOpen { get; } to IWriterConfiguration.
  • Added bool LeaveOpen { get; } to IParserConfiguration.
  • Added IReaderRow row to ValidateArgs constructor.



  • Added support for TypeConverter factories. This allows for the ability to handle many types at once. Code that manually handle nullable, enums, and collections were changed into factories.
  • Moved delimiter detection into a configuration function. This allows for a user to easily change the detection logic. Default logic is in ConfigurationFunction.GetDelimiter.
  • Changed CsvConfiguration.SanitizeInjection flag to CsvConfiguration.InjectionOptions enum.
    • Options are:
      • None - Default. Does no injection protection. The is default because it's not a part of CSV and is used for an external tool.
      • Escape - Escapes the field based on OWASP recommendations if an injection char is detected.
      • Strip - Removes the injection character.
      • Exception - Throws an exception if an injection char is detected.
    • Added \t and \r to CsvConfiguration.InjectionEscapeCharacter.
    • Changed CsvConfiguration.InjectionEscapeCharacter from \t to '.
  • CsvDataReader.GetDataTypeName will use types when the schema table is overridden.
  • More detail added to CsvConfiguration.Validate exception messages.
  • Reduce double dictionary lookup in a few places.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with delimiter detection logic.
  • Missing ConfigureAwait(false) added to async calls.
  • Fixed issue with CsvReader.TryGetField throwing an exception when multiple headers are read.
  • Fixed issue with MemberMap.Validate passing the wrong type into the expression call.
  • Fixed issue with MemberMap<T>.Convert not working with static methods.
  • Fixed issue with DateTimeConverter and DateTimeOffsetConverter throwing an exception other than TypeConverterException on failure.
  • Fixed issue where MissingFieldFound was not being called if IgnoreBlankLines was off.

Breaking Changes

  • CsvConfiguration.SanitizeForInjection -> CsvConfiguration.InjectionOptions
  • bool IWriterConfiguration.SanitizeForInjection -> InjectionOptions IWriterConfiguration.InjectionOptions
  • CsvConfiguration.InjectionEscapeCharacter changed from \t to '.
  • Added \t and \r to CsvConfiguration.InjectionCharacters.
  • Added GetDelimiter IParserConfiguration.GetDelimiter delegate.


Bug Fixes

  • Disabled nullable until all null issues are fixed.



  • Updated delimiter detection algorithm.
    • Strips escaped text based on mode.
    • Only looks for delimiters that appear on every line.
    • Uses CultureInfo.TextInfo.ListSeparator if it's on every line.
  • Cache processed fields in parser so they're not processed on every access.
  • Cache CsvParser.Record[] so multiple calls wont' regenerate it.
  • ShouldSkipRecord is null by default and won't get called if not set.
  • ShouldSkipRecordArgs holds IReaderRow now instead of string[].
  • Changed CsvParser constructor to take in IParserConfiguration instead of CsvConfiguration.
  • Changed CsvReader constructor to take in IReaderConfiguration instead of CsvConfiguration.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where collection types weren't getting the correct MemberMapData passed to them when converting the item.
  • Fixed issue where BadDataFound was being called multiple times for the same field.
  • Fixed issue where you can't read with no header when a name has been mapped.
  • Fixed issue where quoted fields not correctly being identified if there was a buffer swap on white space before quote.

Breaking Changes

  • ShouldSkipRecordArgs holds IReaderRow now instead of string[].
  • Removed ConfigurationFunctions.ShouldSkipRecord as the default is now null.
  • Added IParserConfiguration.Validate.


Bug Fixes

  • Changed dependencies to minimal needed version.



  • Support for net60 DateOnly and TimeOnly types.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with delimiter detection in parser async read.



  • Added IgnoreBaseAttribute to not look at the base class when auto mapping.


Bug Fixes

  • Changed delimiter detection to look line by line instead of the full buffer.


Bug Fixes

  • Specified exact dependency version matches.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with delimiter detection.


Bug Fixes

  • \t wasn't removed and just an exception was being thrown.



  • Config option to auto detect delimiter. Off by default.
  • Added ability to apply a type converter to all registered types.
  • Added ability to apply type converter options to all registered types.
  • Added ability to pass an IAsyncEnumerable to WriteRecords.
  • Added option to use default value on conversion failure.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IParserConfiguration.DetectDelimiter.
  • Added IParserConfiguration.DetectDelimiterValues.
  • Added IWriter.WriteRecordsAsync<T>(IAsyncEnumerable<T> records, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default).
  • Removed \t from CsvConfiguration.WhiteSpaceChars as a default.



  • Allow schema of destination table to be specified in CsvDataReader.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with constant not working when the field is missing.



  • Added configuration for ExceptionMessagesContainRawData that defaults to true.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed all init properties. These were causing people too many problems.
  • Fixed issue with exception message not containing the header record.

Breaking Changes

  • Added bool IParserConfiguration.ExceptionMessagesContainRawData { get; }.
  • Added bool IWriterConfiguration.ExceptionMessagesContainRawData { get; }.
  • All delegate args objects have init removed and now have constructors with parameters.
    • BadDataFound
    • ConvertFromString
    • GetConstructor
    • GetDynamicPropertyName
    • HeaderValidated
    • MissingFieldFound
    • PrepareHeaderForMatch
    • ReadingExceptionOccurred
    • ReferenceHeaderPrefix
    • ShouldQuote
    • ShouldSkipRecord
    • ShouldUseConstructorParameter
    • Validate


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed stack overflow issue with accessing Parser[int] or Parser.Record in BaddataFound callback. Throws an exception explaining issue now.

Breaking Changes

  • All delegate args had their non-parameterless constructor removed in favor of using init.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Trimming all white space.



  • Added CancellationToken to reading and writing async methods.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with ShouldQuote not having the correct field type when writing records instead of fields.
  • Fixed issue with CharCount and ByteCount when trimming.

Breaking Changes

  • void IWriterRow.WriteConvertedField(string field) -> void IWriterRow.WriteConvertedField(string field, Type fieldType)
  • void CsvWriter.WriteConvertedField(string field) -> void CsvWriter.WriteConvertedField(string field, Type fieldType)



  • Changed public init properties to set. Once VB.NET implements init, it can change back.
  • Made method CsvWriter.WriteBuffer protected so sub classes can write fields.
  • CsvWriter.Flush and CsvWriter.FlushAsync will now flush the underlying TextWriter.
  • Changed all delegate methods to accept an args struct instead of parameters. This makes it easier to understand what parameters are passed in, and allows for additional parameters to be added later without a breaking change.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the large CsvConfiguration constructor. The properties are now settable, so this isn't needed for VB.NET.
  • All delegates now take in a single struct argument.
    • BadDataFound
    • ConvertFromString
    • GetConstructor
    • GetDynamicPropertyName
    • HeaderValidated
    • MissingFieldFound
    • PrepareHeaderForMatch
    • ReadingExceptionOccurred
    • ReferenceHeaderPrefix
    • ShouldQuote
    • ShouldSkipRecord
    • ShouldUseConstructorParameter
    • Validate


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with data corruption when parser buffer ran out in middle of escape and quote.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where CsvConfiguration.NewLine was being set when value is null in constructor causing IsNewLine to be true.



  • Added [EnumIgnoreAttribute].

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with EnumIgnoreCase value not making it to the converter when reading.



  • Changed ParserMode to CsvMode and added the modes to CsvWriter.
  • Added Type fieldType parameter to ShouldQuote delegate.
  • Added TypeConverterOptions.EnumIgnoreCase (default is false). Allows EnumConverter to ignore case when matching enum names, values, or NameAttribute.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with EnumConverter when duplicate names or values appeared in an Enum.

Breaking Changes

  • ParserMode -> CsvMode
  • Added IParserConfiguration.ProcessFieldBufferSize.
  • Added IWriterConfiguration.Mode.
  • ShouldQuote(string, IWriterRow) -> ShouldQuote(string, Type, IWriterRow).
  • EnumConverter was changed to case sensitive by default.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CsvContext not being passed into AutoMap.



  • Added back Excel compatibility for bad data fallback.
    1. If a field doesn't start with a Quote, read until a Delimiter or NewLine is found.
    2. If in quoted field and a Quote is found that isn't preceded by an Escape, read until a Delimiter or NewLine` is found.
    3. TrimOptions.Trim will be applied before these rules.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with processed field buffer not being large enough on resize.



  • Process boolean and null type converter options when writing.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed parsing issue with state not being reset when buffer is filled in the middle of a state.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed parsing issue with buffer ending in the middle of a line ending.



  • Added ParserMode.NoEscape. This will ignore quotes and escape characters.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with writing a field that is larger then 2x the buffer size.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with VB not being able to set init properties on CsvConfiguration by adding a constructor that takes in all properties as optional named arguments.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with cache miss in on both the reader and writer.


No changes.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CsvConfiguration.NewLine not defaulting to '\r\n'.


Big Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CsvWriter not keeping track of Row and Index.



  • CsvConfiguration.NewLine changed to a string. You can now read and write any string you like for a line ending. This defaults to Environment.NewLine. When reading, if the value is not explicitly set \r\n, \r, or \n will still be used.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with other platforms than net50 using init.
  • Fixed issue with being unable to write \r\n in an environment that does use that for Environment.NewLine.

Breaking Changes

  • char? CsvConfiguration.NewLine changed to string CsvConfiguration.NewLine.



  • Parser performance.
  • Writer performance.
  • Changed CsvConfiguration to a read only record to eliminate threading issues.
  • Unix parsing mode. Uses escape character instead of field quoting. Configurable NewLine.
  • Field caching. Disabled by default. When enabled, this will cache all fields created so duplicate fields won't need to create a new string from a character array.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Caches enum.
  • ReadingContext and WritingContext were merged into a single CsvContext. Anywhere that used either was changed to CsvContext.
  • All Funcs and Actions now have their own delegate.
  • ConvertUsing renamed to Convert.
  • ShouldQuote now takes in IWriterRow instead of CsvContext.
  • CsvConfiguration changed from a class to a record.
  • All CsvConfiguration properties changed to read only get; init;.
  • CsvConfiguration.NewLine changed to char?.
  • CsvConfiguration.NewLineString removed.
  • CsvConfiguration.RegisterClassMap moved to CsvContext.
  • CsvConfiguration.UnregisterClassMap moved to CsvContext.
  • CsvConfiguration.AutoMap moved to CsvContext.
  • All IParserConfiguration setters removed.
  • bool IParserConfiguration.CacheFields added.
  • bool IParserConfiguration.LeaveOpen added.
  • char? IParserConfiguration.NewLine added.
  • ParserMode IParserConfiguration.Mode added.
  • IParserConfiguration.IgnoreQuotes removed.
  • char[] IParserConfiguration.WhiteSpaceChars added.
  • All IReaderConfiguration setters removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.TypeConverterOptionsCache removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.TypeConverterCache removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.Maps removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.RegisterClassMap removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.UnregisterClassMap removed.
  • IReaderConfiguration.AutoMap removed.
  • ISerializerConfiguration removed and properties added to IWriterConfiguration.
  • All IWriterConfiguration setters removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.QuoteString removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.TypeConverterCache removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.MemberTypes removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.Maps removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.RegisterClassMap removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.UnregisterClassMap removed.
  • IWriterConfiguration.AutoMap removed.
  • MemberMap.Optional added.
  • MemberMap<TClass, TMember>.ConvertUsing renamed to Convert.
  • CsvFieldReader removed.
  • CsvParser.Read returns boolean instead of string[].
  • CsvParser constructors that take in a FieldReader removed.
  • CsvParser[int index] added to retrieve fields after a Read.
  • CsvSerializer removed.
  • IFieldReader removed.
  • IParser.ByteCount added.
  • IParser.CharCount added.
  • IParser.Count added.
  • IParser[int index] added.
  • IParser.Record added.
  • IParser.RawRecord added.
  • IParser.Row added.
  • IParser.RawRow added.
  • IParser.Read returns bool instead of string[].
  • IParser.ReadAsync returns bool instead of string[].
  • IReader.Parser removed.
  • int IReaderRow.ColumnCount added.
  • int IReaderRow.CurrentIndex added.
  • string[] IReaderRow.HeaderRecord added.
  • IParser IReaderRow.Parser added.
  • ISerializer removed.
  • string[] IWriterRow.HeaderRecord added.
  • int IWriterRow.Row added.
  • int IWriterRow.Index added.
  • RecordBuilder removed.



  • Added the rest of the mapping and attributes configuration for constructor parameters.
  • Reading speed improvement.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IParameterMapper to BooleanFalseValuesAttribute, BooleanTrueValuesAttribute, ConstantAttribute, CultureInfoAttribute, DateTimeStylesAttribute, DefaultAttribute, FormatAttribute, HeaderPrefixAttribute, IgnoreAttribute, NameIndexAttribute, NullValuesAttribute, NumberStylesAttribute, OptionalAttribute, and TypeConverterAttribute.
  • Renamed MapTypeConverterOption to MemberMapTypeConverterOptions.
  • Renamed TypeConverterOptions.NumberStyle to TypeConverterOptions.NumberStyles.
  • Removed ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance<T>.
  • Removed ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance.
  • Removed ReflectionHelper.CreateInstanceWithoutContractResolver.



  • Added parameter mapping via class map or attributes.

Breaking Changes

  • NameAttribute added interface IParameterMapper.
  • IndexAttribute added interface IParameterMapper.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where EnumConverter wasn't working if enum value wasn't an Int32.



  • ValidateHeader will validate all members before calling HeaderValidated.

Breaking Changes

  • Action<bool, string[], int, ReadingContext> IReaderConfiguration.HeaderValidated -> Action<InvalidHeader[], ReadingContext> IReaderConfiguration.HeaderValidated
  • Action<bool, string[], int, ReadingContext> CsvConfiguration.HeaderValidated -> Action<InvalidHeader[], ReadingContext> CsvConfiguration.HeaderValidated
  • ConfigurationFunctions.HeaderValidated signature changed from (bool isValid, string[] headerNames, int headerNameIndex, ReadingContext context) to (InvalidHeader[] invalidHeaders, ReadingContext context)
  • CsvReader.ValidateHeader(ClassMap map) -> CsvReader.ValidateHeader(ClassMap map, List<InvalidHeader> invalidHeaders)
  • Removed HeaderValidationException.HeaderNames.
  • Removed HeaderValidationException.HeaderNameIndex.
  • Added InvalidHeader[] HeaderValidationException.InvalidHeaders.



  • Added ability to put [Name] attribute on enum values.
  • Added ability to register a converter for Enum that will be a default for all enum types.



  • GetRecords throws ObjectDisposedException when CsvReader is disposed. A message hint was added to help the user understand what went wrong.



  • Ability to have duplicate header names when using dynamic records.

Breaking Changes

  • Added Func<ReadingContext, int, string> IReaderConfiguration.GetDynamicPropertyName.
  • Added Func<ReadingContext, int, string> CsvConfiguration.GetDynamicPropertyName.


  • Fixed IgnoreAttribute to ignore the whole property treey if put on a reference property when auto mapped.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where CsvDataReader.FieldCount was throwing an exception if there were no records.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CsvDataReader.GetOrdinal issue where it wasn't doing a case-insensitive match after a failed case-sensitive match. Run values through PrepareHeaderForMatch.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where writing null to WriteField didn't output a field.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed test not building.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with multiple character delimiter not working when the first char of the delimiter precedes the actual delimiter.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with ReflectionHelper caching not always unique.


Bug Fixes

  • Updated default number styles for DecimalConverter and DoubleConverter to match MS's recommendations.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with DataReader.GetValues not working when column and rows have different count.


Bug Fixes

  • Downgraded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions to 4.5.2 due to loading error of Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.



  • Ignore attribute on a reference will ignore all properties on that reference.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IMemberReferenceMapper to IgnoreAttribute.



  • Added IAsyncDispose on writing classes.

Breaking Changes

  • Added dependency <PackageReference Include="System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions" Version="4.5.3" /> to net45.
  • Added dependency <PackageReference Include="System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions" Version="4.5.3" /> to net47.
  • Added dependency <PackageReference Include="System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions" Version="4.5.3" /> to netstandard2.0.
  • IWriter added interface IAsyncDisposable for net47 and netstandard2.1.
  • ISerializer added interface IAsyncDisposable for net47 and netstandard2.1.
  • WritingContext added interface IAsyncDisposable for net47 and netstandard2.1.
  • CsvWriter added methods public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() and protected virtual async ValueTask DisposeAsync(bool disposing) for net47 and netstandard.
  • CsvSerializer added methods public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() and protected virtual async ValueTask DisposeAsync(bool disposing) for net47 and netstandard.
  • WritingContext added methods public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() and protected virtual async ValueTask DisposeAsync(bool disposing) for net47 and netstandard.



  • Added netstandard2.1 build.
  • Added required CultureInfo parameter to any class that uses CultureInfo.
  • Apply member attributes using interface instead of hard coding.
  • Added customizable new line when writing. You can choose from CRLF, CR, LF, or Environment.NewLine.
  • Renamed Configuration to CsvConfiguration to avoid namespace conflicts.
  • Added GetRecordsAsync and WriteRecordsAsync.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed dependency <PackageReference Include="System.Reflection.TypeExtensions" Version="4.4.0" /> from netstandard2.0.
  • Removed dependency <PackageReference Include="System.Reflection.TypeExtensions" Version="4.4.0" /> from netstandard2.1.
  • Added dependency <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" Version="1.1.0" /> to net47.
  • Added dependency <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" Version="1.1.0" /> to netstandard2.0.
  • ClassMap.AutoMap() -> ClassMap.AutoMap(CultureInfo)
  • CsvParser.CsvParser(TextReader) -> CsvParser.CsvParser(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • CsvParser.CsvParser(TextReader, bool) -> CsvParser.CsvParser(TextReader, CultureInfo, bool)
  • CsvReader.CsvReader(TextReader) -> CsvReader.CsvReader(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • CsvReader.CsvReader(TextReader, bool) -> CsvReader.CsvReader(TextReader, CultureInfo, bool)
  • CsvSerializer.CsvSerializer(TextWriter) -> CsvSerializer.CsvSerializer(TextWriter, CultureInfo)
  • CsvSerializer.CsvSerializer(TextWriter, bool) -> CsvSerializer.CsvSerializer(TextWriter, CultureInfo, bool)
  • CsvWriter.CsvWriter(TextWriter) -> CsvWriter.CsvWriter(TextWriter, CultureInfo)
  • CsvWriter.CsvWriter(TextWriter, bool) -> CsvWriter.CsvWriter(TextWriter, CultureInfo, bool)
  • Factory.CreateParser(TextReader) -> Factory.CreateParser(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • Factory.CreateReader(TextReader) -> Factory.CreateReader(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • Factory.CreateWriter(TextWriter) -> Factory.CreateWriter(TextWriter, CultureInfo)
  • IFactory.CreateParser(TextReader) -> IFactory.CreateParser(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • IFactory.CreateReader(TextReader) -> IFactory.CreateReader(TextReader, CultureInfo)
  • IFactory.CreateWriter(TextWriter) -> IFactory.CreateWriter(TextWriter, CultureInfo)
  • Added ISerializerConfiguration.NewLine.
  • Added ISerializerConfiguration.NewLineString.
  • Added Configuration.NewLine.
  • Added Configuration.NewLineString.
  • Removed Configuration.Configuration() parameterless constructor.
  • Attributes now require the use of IMemberMapper or IMemberReferenceMapper to be loaded. All existing attributes added these and implemented the interface.
  • Renamed Configuration to CsvConfiguration.
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> CsvReader.GetRecordsAsync<T>()
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> CsvReader.GetRecordsAsync<T>(T anonymousTypeDefinition)
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<object> CsvReader.GetRecordsAsync(Type type)
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> CsvReader.EnumerateRecordsAsync<T>(T record)
  • Added Task CsvWriter.WriteRecordsAsync(IEnumerable records)
  • Added Task CsvWriter.WriteRecordsAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T> records)
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> IReader.GetRecordsAsync<T>()
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> IReader.GetRecordsAsync<T>(T anonymousTypeDefinition)
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<object> IReader.GetRecordsAsync(Type type)
  • Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> IReader.EnumerateRecordsAsync<T>(T record)
  • Added Task IWriter.WriteRecordsAsync(IEnumerable records)
  • Added Task IWriter.WriteRecordsAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T> records)


Bug Fixes

  • Changed double and single converters to only test for format "R" if the user hasn't supplied a format.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix for bug in .NET Framework that causes a StackOverflowException. This needs to be changed back eventually.



  • Added UriConverter.


Big Fixes

  • Changed round trip default format to test if "R" works and use backup of "G9" for float and "G17" for double.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where multiple properties with the same name were used when a child class property hides a parent class property using the new modifier.
  • Fixed issue where a null reference exception was thrown when writing and all properties are ignored.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an "Index out of bounds of the array" exception was happening on TryGetField of type DateTime.
  • Fix RawRecord adding spaces if TrimOptions.Trim is used.



  • Allow default value when using optional members.
  • Added BigIntConverter.
  • Mapping to member with type Type will throw exception by default.

Bug Fixes

  • Made SingleConverter and DoubleConverter round-trip-able.


Bug Fixes

  • Always write \r\n line endings to be compliant with RFC 4180.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where CsvDataReader would skip the first row when there is no header record.
  • Fixed CsvDataReader issue where null values weren't being represented as DBNull.Value on GetValue and GetValues methods.
  • Fixed issue with IsDBNull method where an empty string was considered a null.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where CsvReader.ReadAsync wasn't behaving the same as CsvReader.Read.



  • Added constructor to Configuration to pass in the CultureInfo. When passing a culture in, the Delimiter will be set to CultureInfo.TextInfo.ListSeparator.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where writing a dynamic object would still sort the header when no sort was specified.



  • Added config option for sorting dynamic object properties when writing. Defaults to property value set order.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IComparer<string> IWriterConfiguration.DynamicPropertySort.
  • Added IComparer<string> Configuration.DynamicPropertySort.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with leaveOpen not being used in the context's dispose.



  • Removed config options QuoteAllFields, QuoteNoFields, QuoteRequiredChars, and BuildREquiredQuoteChars in favor of ShouldQuote function.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed IWriterConfiguration.QuoteAllFields.
  • Removed IWriterConfiguration.QuoteNoFields.
  • Removed IWriterConfiguration.QuoteRequiredChars.
  • Removed IWriterConfiguration.BuildRequiredQuoteChars.
  • Removed Configuration.QuoteAllFields.
  • Removed Configuration.QuoteNoFields.
  • Removed Configuration.QuoteRequiredChars.
  • Removed Configuration.BuildRequiredQuoteChars.
  • Added Func<string, WritingContext, bool> IWriterConfiguration.ShouldQuote.
  • Added Func<string, WritingContext, bool> Configuration.ShouldQuote.



  • Added a more friendly header validation message.
  • Separated header and field validation exceptions.
  • Added data properties to validation classes.
  • Changed Configuration.ReadingExceptionOccurred to not throw an exception and return a boolean whether it should throw an exception. The caller will throw if true.
  • Changed NamedIndexCache type from Tuple<string, int> to (string, int).
  • Config option to consider a line break in a quoted field as bad data.
  • Changed delimiter default value from ',' to CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator.
  • PrepareHeaderForMatch now passes in the header name and index.
  • Dynamic records will now have null properties for missing fields.
  • Write ExpandoObject and IDynamicMetaObjectProvider object properties in ascending order to ensure order of property creation doesn't matter.
  • Added escape character configuration.
  • Added IDataReader implementation. This allows for easily loading a DataTable.

Breaking Changes

  • ValidationException is now abstract.
  • IReaderConfiguration.ReadingExceptionOccurred type changed from Action<CsvHelperException> to Func<CsvHelperException, bool>.
  • Configuration.ReadingExceptionOccurred type changed from Action<CsvHelperException> to Func<CsvHelperException, bool>.
  • Changed NamedIndexCache type from Tuple<string, int> to (string, int). This adds a dependency to System.ValueTuple on .NET 4.5.
  • Added bool IParserConfiguration.LineBreakInQuotedFieldIsBadData.
  • Added bool Configuration.LineBreakInQuotedFieldIsBadData.
  • Changed IReaderConfiguration.PrepareHeaderForMatch type from Func<string, string> to Func<string, int, string>.
  • Changed Configuration.PrepareHeaderForMatch type from Func<string, string> to Func<string, int, string>.
  • Added char ISerializerConfiguration.Escape.
  • Added char IParserConfiguration.Escape.
  • Added char Configuration.Escape.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where TrimOptions.InsideQuotes would fail when there were escaped quotes in the field.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where NamedIndexes wasn't being reset on ReadHeader call.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where a TypeConverterAttribute isn't being used when on a reference.



  • More clear exception messages when reading and a missing field is found.



  • Allow parameterless constructor on classes and reference property classes when auto mapping.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where WriteAsync wasn't calling SanitizeForInjection.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where leaveOpen parameter in CsvParser constructor was hard coded.
  • Fixed issue where header validation was being ran on properties that only had an index mapped.


This release contains changes from 8.3.0 and 8.2.0.


This has been unlisted in nuget because of a breaking change before it. The changes are in 9.0.0.


  • Removed restriction that was disallowing the null char '\0' to be used as a delimiter.


This has been unlisted in nuget because of a breaking change. The changes are in 9.0.0.


  • Added Optional config to factory builder.
  • Added OptionalAttribute.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IHasMapOptions : IHasOptional.
  • Added MemberMapBuilder : IHasOptional.
  • Added MemberMapBuilder : IHasOptionalOptions.



  • Configuration functions are available on a static class ConfigurationFunctions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where IgnoreBlankLines wasn't being checked in GetField<T>(int index, ITypeConverter converter).



  • Added IsOptional mapping option.



  • Added Unity build.
  • Added IsOptional mapping option.

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing interface methods to configs.
  • Fixed issue with parsing when only CR is used and fields are quoted.
  • Fixed issue where GetField was calling the ObjectResolver.
  • Made the contexts not serializable in exceptions.
  • Fixed issue with ObjectResolver fallback causing a StackOverflowException.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IReaderConfiguration.IgnoreReferences.
  • Added IWriterConfiguration.IgnoreReferences.


Bug Fixes

  • Added constructor to CsvWriter that allows for leaveOpen to be set.
  • Made CsvWriter.Dispose able to be called multiple times.
  • Added ConfigureAwait(false) to all async calls.



  • Changed record object creation to use the ObjectResolver.


Bug Fixes

  • Allow private constructors to be used to instantiate new class instances.



  • Reading performance improvements.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed IReadingContext and IWritingContext interfaces. ReadingContext and WritingContext are used directly now.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with circular references when auto mapping.



  • Dynamic now uses Configuration.PrepareHeaderForMatch on header name to get property name for dynamic object.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with LINQPad not working properly due to types from differently assemblies being cached in the writer.

Breaking Changes

  • IWritingContext.TypeActions signature changed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with LINQPad not working properly due to types from differently assemblies being cached.



  • Use ObjectResolver to create internal classes RecordManager, ExpressionManager, RecordCreatorFactory, and RecordHydrator, RecordWriterFactory.
  • Added generic resolve method to object resolver.
  • Added mapping methods to MemberMap for use during runtime mapping.
  • Added more info and properties to TypeConverterException.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where mapping an interface doesn't get used when writing.

Breaking Changes

  • Added IObjectResolver.Resolve<T>( params object[] constructorArgs ) method.
  • Added IWriter.WriteRecords<T>( IEnumerable<T> records ) method.
  • TypeConverterException constructors signatures changed.



  • Added Map<TClass>.References( expression ) back in.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed DefaultTypeConverterException message. The generated message wasn't being used.


Bug Fixes

  • Added ReadingExceptionOccurred callback to GetRecord methods when an exception occurs.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with parsing when buffer spans over a field.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where trimming inside quotes would fail when the character after a space was a delimiter, \r, or \n.


Breaking Changes

  • Added setter to ISerializerConfiguration.Quote.
  • Removed ClassMap<TClass>.References( expression, constructorArs ). Use sub property mapping instead.
  • Removed ClassMap<TClass>.ConstructUsing( expression ). Use the ObjectResolver` instead.
  • Change how reference header prefixing works.
  • Changed Configuration/IReaderConfiguration/IWriterConfiguration bool PrefixReferenceHeaders to Func<Type, string, string> ReferenceHeaderPrefix. The function takes in the member type and member name and returns the prefix.
  • Removed MemberReferenceMap.Prefix() method.
  • Removed ParameterReferenceMap.Prefix() method.
  • Changed Configuration/IReaderConfiguration/IWriterConfiguration ClassMap AutoMap<T>() to ClassMap<T> AutoMap<T>()
  • Changed TypeConverterException constructors parameter from ReadingContext to IReadingContext.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when a map was created through auto mapping, you couldn't use sub property mapping to update a member.



  • Added more information to the DefaultTypeConverter.ConvertFromString not convertible exception.
  • Reduced the number of PrepareHeaderForMatch calls.



  • Attribute mapping. It's back...


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where you weren't able to write IEnumerable.



  • Allow multiple headers to be written.

Bug Fixes

  • Flush CsvWriter on Dispose.
  • Made ShouldSkipRecord not called if the parser returns null for an end of stream.
  • ShouldUseConstructorParameters returns false if there are no constructors.
  • Header validation doesn't validate members where ConvertUsing or Constant are used.



  • netstandard2.0
  • Massive speed improvements to the CsvParser.
  • Speed improvements to CsvSerializer.
  • Map child properties so multiple mapping classes aren't needed.
  • ConvertUsing implementation for writing.
  • Read/write IEnumerable properties.
  • Field mapping.
  • Async reading/writing.
  • Added ClassMapBuilder to build maps on the fly without a mapping class.
  • Write IDynamicMetaObjectProvider objects. DynamicObject and ExpandoObject are the 2 most common.
  • Allow null fields to be written.
  • IDictionary type converters.
  • Added trim options to trim in parser and removed trim from reader.
  • Header validation.
  • Field validation.
  • Added leaveOpen flag to constructors to not dispose of underlying TextReader and TextWriter.
  • Added properties to CsvHelperException and removed the string data.
  • Speed up mappings that use ConvertUsing by caching the named indexes.
  • Write comments.
  • Map constants.
  • Write fields that aren't mapped.
  • Specify values that resolve to null when reading.
  • Added CsvProperMap to allow for compile time type checking on mappings.
  • Read more than 1 header row.
  • Changed reading exception callback to send a CsvHelperException.
  • Map the same property more than once.
  • Exposed the underlying TextReader as a property.
  • Removed header matching manipulation configuration IsHeaderCaseSensitive, IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace, and TrimHeaders and added a config for PrepareHeaderForMatch that is a function. Both the header field name and the property name are ran through this method before matching against each other.
  • Added interfaces for configuration so you can tell what options are available in your current context.
  • Moved detection of column count changes into the reader. The parser shouldn't care and should just return whatever data it finds.
  • ConstructUsing works with reference maps.
  • ConstructUsing can use initializers.
  • Allow resuming reading of more data is written to the stream.
  • Auto mapping with user defined struct.
  • Ability to change required quote characters.
  • Speed improvements when using GetField.
  • Speed improvements when using WriteField.
  • Allow mapping default value to be a string that is converted.
  • Moved reading/writing state data into a common context object that is shared.
  • Multiple string formats for TypeConverterOptions.
  • Created object resolver so interfaces can be mapped to and IoC containers can be plugged in.
  • Made methods ReIndex and GetMaxIndex on CsvClassMap public.
  • Added a Flush method to the writer so NextRecord just writes a line ending. This will allow users to not write a line ending if they want.
  • Removed statics to eliminate possible threading issues.
  • Added SerializableAttribute to exception classes. It was removed previously because of netstandard1.x not having it available.
  • Added ByteArrayConverter.
  • Reading anonymous types.
  • Auto mapping with any constructor.
  • Changed Property naming to Member since both properties and fields are used.
  • TypeConverterFactory is now instance of Configuration instead of a static.
  • Changed Configuration flags to callbacks with default functionality to let the user change the functionality if they want.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CsvClassMapCollection[type] choosing the wrong type when multiple types on the inheritance tree are mapped.
  • Fixed issue where setting Configuration.ShouldSkipRecord method always overrides the Configuration.SkipEmptyRecords setting.
  • Fixed issue where ignoring header whitespace wouldn't work if a named property had the same whitespace in it.
  • When comments are on and a field is being written that is the first field in the record and the first char is a comment char, quote the field because it's not a comment.
  • Fixed issue with type converter options set in factory not working with auto mapping or explicit map.
  • Fixed line ending spanning buffer issue.
  • Fixed issue of skipping a character if a line ending was within a quoted field.
  • Added locking to factory to make it thread safe.
  • Fixed bug when mapping a constant then mapping another property after will throw an exception.
  • Changed reflection calls to ConvertToString to get the method for ITypeConverter instead of the actual converter. This is so the overridden implementation will be used instead of a random method with the same name.
  • Adding locking in ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance for the static delegate cache.
  • Fixed quote handling issue of IsFieldBad by marking unquoted fields with quote chars as bad only when Configuration.IgnoreQuotes is false.
  • Fixed issue with automapping not mapping references correctly in some nested situations because it thought it was a circular dependency when it wasn't.
  • Fixed issue with private properties not being able to be set.
  • Fixed issue with getting the class map from the collection. It was only getting the current and not looking up the tree.
  • Fixed issue with Constant not working with null.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed all .NET builds except for net45 and netstandard2.0.
  • Removed obsolete code.
  • object ICsvReader.GetField( int index, ITypeConverter converter )
  • object ICsvReader.GetField( string name, ITypeConverter converter )
  • object ICsvReader.GetField( string name, int index, ITypeConverter converter )
  • void ICsvWriter.WriteField( Type type, object field )
  • void ICsvWriter.WriteField( Type type, object field, ITypeConverter converter )
  • void ICsvWriter.WriteRecord( Type type, object record )
  • Moved methods that aren't row level out of ICsvReaderRow and into ICsvReader.
  • IEnumerable<T> GetRecords<T>()
  • IEnumerable<object> GetRecords( Type type )
  • void ClearRecordCache<T>()
  • void ClearRecordCache( Type type )
  • void ClearRecordCache()
  • Removed CanConvertTo and CanConvertFrom from the type converters because there is no need for them.
  • Added properties to CsvHelperException and removed the string data.
  • Changed WriteRecord to not call NextRecord.
  • Changed config setting name from IgnorePrivateAccessor to IncludePrivateProperties to be more clear on intention.
  • Changed reading exception callback to send a CsvHelperException.
  • Removed configuration IsHeaderCaseSensitive, IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace, and TrimHeaders and added PrepareHeaderForMatch.
  • Changed DateTime and DateTimeOffset converters to not work when the string is spaces to match what all the other converters do. The .NET Framework DateTime and DateTimeOffset converters will convert a string of all spaces into MinValue, so we are diverging from that a little.
  • Changed ReadHeader to not set CurrentRecord to null.
  • Removed Excel specific code. This will go into a separate library. The malformed fallback behavior that mimics Excel still exists.
  • Moved reading/writing state data into a common context object that is shared.
  • Changed BadDataCallback to take in a ReadingContext instead of a string.
  • Removed Csv prefix from all classes except CsvReader, CsvParser, CsvWriter, and CsvSerializer.
  • Removed default null values since there is no common standard that could be found.
  • Removed default boolean values of yes, y, no, n since it's not a standard boolean. true, false, 1, 0 still work.
  • Changed default delimiter to , instead of ListSeparator.
  • Added a Flush method to the writer.
  • Changed Property naming to Member.
  • Removed Configurations ThrowOnBadData, IgnoreReadingExceptions, SkipEmptyRecords, and WillThrowOnMissingField in favor of function callbacks.
  • Renamed
    • TypeConverterFactory to TypeConverterCache
    • TypeConverterOptionsFactory to TypeConverterOptionsCache
    • Configuration.HeaderValidatedCallback to Configuration.HeaderValidated
    • Configuration.MissingFieldFoundCallback to Configuration.MissingFieldFound
    • Configuration.ReadingExceptionCallback to Configuration.ReadingExceptionOccurred
    • Configuration.BadDataFoundCallback to Configuration.BadDataFound
    • ICsvParser to IParser
    • FieldReader to CsvFieldReader
    • ICsvReader to IReader
    • ICsvReaderRow to IReaderRow
    • ICsvSerializer to ISerializer
    • ICsvWriter to IWriter
    • ICsvWriterRow to IWriterRow


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with CsvClassMapCollection[type] choosing the wrong type when multiple types on the inheritance tree are mapped.


Bug Fixes

  • Made TypeInfo compatibility stuff internal to not cause conflicts.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix for UWP release not working.



  • Added CsvReader.ReadHeader so headers can be read without reading the first row.


  • Update to .NET Core 1.0 release.



  • Added SerializableAttribute to all exceptions.



  • Updated project to .NET Core RC2.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with assembly not being a release build.


Bug Fixes

  • Added net45 build and excluded it from CoreFX compatibility.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with .NET 2.0 classes being included that shouldn't have been in .NET 4.0.



  • Added CoreCLR support.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ShouldSkipRecord not working on rows before header.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the number of delimiter characters was read when a multiple character delimiter is hit. This was causing non-delimiters to be read when just the first character of the delimiter was found.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with TryGetField with named index returning wrong value.


Bug Fixes

  • Added missing DateTimeConverter to the list of default converters.



  • When writing, use empty values for properties on reference properties when flag UseNewObjectForNullReferenceProperties is off.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed portable target for Windows Phone 8.1.



  • Added Windows Phone 8.1 support to the PCL assembly.
  • Added ability to set a prefix for reference maps. i.e. Prefix( string prefix = null)
  • Added callback to use to determine if a record should be skipped when reading.
  • Excel leading zeros number formatting. This allows you to read and write numbers that will preserve the zeros on the front. i.e. ="0001"
  • Use default value when a field is null because of a missing field in the row.
  • Added TrimFields to CsvWriter.
  • ability to specify constructor arguments when referencing another map within a mapping.
  • Added Names property on CsvPropertyNameCollection to get raw list of property names.
  • Added raw file line number to parser.
  • Mapping methods on CsvClassMap<T> are now public to more easily allow mapping during runtime.
  • Added DateTimeOffset converter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed exception that was occurring when fields were empty and UseExcelLeadingZerosFormatForNumerics = true.
  • Excel compatibility fix. If a field starts with a quote but never ends and the end of the file is reached, the field would be null. The field will now contain everything.
  • Don't get static properties when automapping.
  • Made all exceptions thrown contain Exception.Data["CsvHelper"].
  • Fixed missing support writing the double quotes for inner quotes on a quoted field. This used to be there and was removed at some point. A unit test is now in place so this doesn't happen again.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with writing an array of records.



  • Allow preservation of numeric strings for Excel.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed writing issue with anonymous objects outputting wrong headers.



  • Updated writer methods to match reader methods.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where char converter would trim a single space string.



  • Added support to ignore whitespace when determining a record is empty.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed breaking change to not break.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where header wasn't written when there were no records in the IEnumerable on WriteRecords( IEnumerable ).


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an exception was always thrown if Configuration.ThrowOnBadData is on.



  • Added configurations for a callback when a bad field is detected. Added configuration to throw an exception when a bad field is detected.
  • Made mapping with interfaces not duplicate property maps.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with mappings overwriting an explicitly set index when re-indexing.
  • Auto mapping will ignore Enumerable properties instead of throwing an exception. Exceptions will still be thrown if an Enumerable is used outside of auto mapping.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where using dynamic proxy objects would always automap instead of using a registered class map.
  • Fixed issue when trimming fields and the field is null.
  • Fixed issue when writing a field and the value is null.
  • Removed deprecated writer methods.



  • PCL implementation. .NET 4.0+, Silveright 4.0+, WP7 7.5+, Windows 8
  • Excel separator record reading and writing.
  • Writer speed enhancements. Thanks to thecontrarycat.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with mapping order when no index is specified.



  • Added config to prefix headers of reference properties with the parent property name when automapping.
  • Ability to ignore blank lines. When this config option is set to false, the parser will return and array of nulls. You can differentiate between a row with commas this way. The reader will behave the same way as a blank record.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when writing and a reference map type is a struct.



  • Global type converter options.
  • Easier access to property maps to allow for changing maps on the fly.
  • Option to ignore references when auto mapping.
  • AutoMap functionality is available in class maps.
  • Mappings can be specified in the constructor of the mapping class. Overriding CreateMap is now deprecated.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated ConvertUsing to not cause the exception "Operation Could Destabilize the Runtime" when property is a nullable type and a non-nullable type is returned.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where parsing would add delimiter chars to the field when the buffer ran out in the middle of the delimiter.



  • Split writing up into a writer and serializer so the writer can write other things besides CSV files.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where a NullReferenceException was thrown when using reference maps and a reference was null.
  • Fixed issue where TryGetField was throwing MissingFieldException.
  • Fixed issue where a commented row on the last line that doesn't have a newline will return the commented row.
  • Fixed NuGet package for WP8.
  • Added missing WriteHeader methods to ICsvWriter that were a part of CsvWriter.



  • Support for TimeSpan.
  • Support for writing records of type dynamic. The dynamic objects do not work with collections, which means ExpandoObject doesn't currently work.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with extra exception info not being added when the reading exception callback is used.
  • Fixed issue where having only reference maps throws exception.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with parser where a line wouldn't end if the previous char was a \0.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with trimming fields not working under one path. 2.2.0


  • Added Row property to ICsvReader.
  • Config option to trim headers and values when reading.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when WillThrowOnMissingField is off and exception was still being thrown.



  • Made RegisterClassMap overload with CsvClassMap instance public.


Bug Fixes

  • Made a WinRT Any CPU build and removed the arch specific WinRT builds.



  • Added parser configuration to ignoring quotes and treating them like any other character.
  • Added CsvFactory to create ICsvParser, ICsvReader, and ICsvWriter classes. This is useful when you need to unit test code that uses CsvHelper since these 3 classes require a TextReader or TextWriter to work.
  • All assembly versions are strong named but will use a single version of The file version and NuGet versions will change with every release.
  • Removed class type constraint from reading and writing.
  • Added non-generic class mapping overload.
  • WriteRecords param changed from IEnumerable to non-generic IEnumerable.
  • Value types can be read and written instead of just custom classes.
  • Indexes are automatically set and incremented when mapping in order of the Map and Reference calls.
  • Auto mapping with circular reference detection.
  • Config option to ignore spaces in header names.
  • Fixed exception handling. Exception are no longer wrapped. Exception.Data["CsvHelper"] contains CsvHelper specific exception info.
  • Row exception can be skipped during GetRecords.
  • Renamed IsStrictMode to WillThrowOnMissingField.
  • Window Phone 7 & 8 builds.
  • Auto mapping will use defined maps if available.
  • Type converter options.
  • Added IEnumerable converter that throws an exception so people will know that converting to/from and enumerable is not supported instead of getting a cryptic error message.
  • Dynamic support for reading and writing.
  • Multiple maps can be supplied.
  • Renamed InvalidateRecordCache to ClearRecordCache.
  • Recursive reference mapping down the whole mapping tree.
  • Configuration.CultureInfo was added in place of Configuration.UseInvariantCulture.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Getting the exception helper message failed when writing because no parser is available.
    • WriteRecords Dynamic invoke had wrong parameter count.
    • GetField( string ) was not returning null if the header is not found.
    • CsvBadDataException when there were extra columns in the row.
    • Raw record corruption.



    • Ignore properties that can't be set in attribute mapping.
    • Made TypeConverterFactory thread safe.
    • Added remove converter method.

    Bug Fixes

    • Issue with writer exception in WinRT.



    • Change TypeConverterFactory to use a set of cache type converters so global type converters can be used.
    • Added GetField<T, TConverter> overloads.
    • Changed all Activator.CreateInstance calls to use compiled expression trees to create them instead.
    • Changed mapping for ConvertUsing to accept a Func so a block expression can be used.



    • Support for Silverlight 4 & 5.

    Bug Fixes

    • Issue where writing with Configuration.QuoteAllFields enabled will not quote the quotes inside the field.
    • Issue with WinRT not building after pull request merge.



    • Parse full line on read. This allows for the parser to retain the whole unchanged raw CSV lin on a read.
    • Changed delimiter config from a char to a string.
    • Iterating records multiple times will throw a CsvReaderException. This is to help stop confusion when 0 results are returned the second iteration.

    Bug Fixes

    • Issue where EnumConverter isn't created correctly from the TypeConverterFactory.
    • Issue with updating count for all closing quotes.



    • Configuration to always not quote all fields.
    • WriteHeader method is public.
    • Added enum converter.

    Bug Fixes

    • Issue with boolean converter returning true for "no" value.
    • Issue with GetMethod in WinRT.


    Bug Fixes

    • Issue where an exception was being thrown when reading all records multiple times.



    • WinRT support.



    • Better exception information added to CsvBadDataException.



    • Mapping property for CreateUsing which allows user to specify how the property gets created.


    Bug Fixes

    • Issue with skipping empty records.


    Bug Fixes

    • Issue with detecting column count changes.



    • Added properties to CsvReaderException to give more information about the error.
    • Ability to skip empty records based on config settings.
    • Getting by index that doesn't exist will give a default or CsvMissingFieldException.
    • Made column count detection a config setting.
    • Map option for constructing the row object.
    • Throw exception when inconsistent column lengths are detected.
    • String.Format support in CsvWriter.
    • Excel compatible parsing.
    • Parser can keep track of the byte position using an encoding so a user can seek to a stream and start reading from there.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug with column count detection.
    • Issue with double counting the closing quote.
    • Issue where parsing was incorrect when the last row didn't have a CRLF at the end.
    • Issue with error messages.



    • Writer overload for shouldQuote when writing a field.
    • Ability for using alternative names for headers in the configuration.
    • Better error messages.



    • Configuration to quote all fields when writing.
    • Parser keeps a char count of where it's at.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed subclass issue by having the reader and writer use interfaces instead of concrete classes.



    • Custom boolean type converter that can convert from 1 and 0 besides the normal conversion.
    • Property map configuration to set a default value.
    • CsvWriter no longer flushes to the output stream after every record.
    • Non-generic overloads for reading, writing, and attribute mapping.
    • Invalidate record cache will clear the properties list.



    • Support .NET 2.0 and 3.5 builds.



    • Case insensitive header matching.



    • Removed CsvHelper class.
    • Property reference mapping. One level deep.



    • Support for multiple duplicate header names.


    Bug Fixes

    • Issue when using a readonly or writeonly stream and disposing causes an exception.



    • Updated CsvHelper.cs to allow for readonly and writeonly stream.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed DateTimeConverter issue where a white space string would return a - DateTime.MinValue instead of null.



    • Changed .NET 3.5 project to client profile.
    • Added getter for the current record in the header.



    • Changed strict mode to default to true.
    • Renamed strict mode configuration property.
    • Changed reader to not throw an exception when there are duplicate header records unless in strict mode.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug where if there is no line ending at the end of the file, the last field would be null instead of an empty string.
    • Fixed configuration references and constructor signatures.



    • Added configuration option for using CultureInvariant to read/write.
    • Updated the reader/writer to use the config option.
    • Both CsvReader and CsvWriter are using Local culture when converting from/to strings.
    • CsvClassMap without generic argument.



    • Changed TryGetField to do a low level check instead of jsut wrapping in try/catch blocks.
    • Removed non generic TryGetField methods.
    • Formatting changes.
    • Changed CsvParser to use the Configuration.Comment char instead of #.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed indentation error caused by new constructor in CsvPropertyMap.



    • Changed GetRecords to return IEnumerable.
    • Added convenience constructor to CsvPropertyMap.
    • Major configuration overhaul.
    • Changed end of file check to be more low level.
    • Final record is returned if there is a trailing delimiter.
    • Added an exception re-throw to parsing that tells the line and character number.
    • Added ability to change what the quote char is.
    • Added CSV specific exceptions.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix for issue when CsvHelper uses CurrentCulture instead of InvariantCulture.



    • Changed StreamReader to TextReader to be more generic.



    • Added option to have a commented out line using '#' as the first character of the line.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with spaces in non-quoted field.

    © 2009-2024 Josh Close