Migrating from version 26 to 27


  • Removed \t from the array of default characters.

If you are expecting \t to be trimmed, you will need to add this to the whitespace characters.

var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
	WhiteSpaceChars = new[] { ' ', '\t' },


  • Added property bool DetectDelimiter { get; }.
  • Added property string[] DetectDelimiterValues { get; }.

Any class that implements IParserConfiguration will need these changes applied to it.


  • Added method Task WriteRecordsAsync<T>(IAsyncEnumerable<T> records, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default). This does not apply to projects that reference the net45 version of CsvHelper.

Any class that implements IWriter will need these changes applied to it.


  • Added property string Delimiter { get; }.

Any class that implements IParser will need these changes applied to it.